Monday, December 3, 2007

My Crazy Life :)

Funny story... I worked night on Dec. 1st, and I was 3rd up (meaning 2 other midwives were in line ahead of me to catch a baby) which also means that I was supposed to receive any postpartum care. And, of course there was an immediate postpartum. She had given birth only minutes before my shift started, so nothing was done at all. I wasn't dreading it, but I wasn't looking forward to staying up all night doing this work either.

Then, to my absolute shock, my supervisor took the immediate postpartum and told the rest of us to sleep! I woke up on and off feeling a little guilty for sleeping when she was so busy, and didn't know why I was given the night to sleep.

When I got home a little after 6 am, I ate a quick bite of granola (I never eat before sleeping after night shift) and then slept in my scrubs (another thing that I never do).

The crazy thing is that it all started to make sense when I was woken up at 8:30am saying my continuity (Ronalyn) was in labor! Because I had slept a little during the night, and slept in my scrubs and my hair was still done, and I had eaten a little, I came straight over and to my utter surprise found Joy (Ronalyn) to be 8cm already! I would have laughed if anyone had told me that when I first saw her outside because she smiled so happily at me, and just chatted away as I was taking her vitals. I was sure I would be sending her home at about 2-3cm!

Since I had slept, I was able to be fully functioning that day (which is why God in His mercy allowed me to sleep the night before) and before I got to deliver Joy's baby the guard yelled that there had been a taxi birth! I had never seen that before, but since all the midwives on shift were in a birth, I ran outside putting gloves on only to find the baby completely out already! We cut the cord and brought both mom and baby inside. Only then did we find out she wasn't even a patient at Mercy! She had asked to be brought to a nearby clinic where she was having prenatals, but was brought here instead! Haha. She asked if she could stay, and of course we said yes :)

Then, Joy did get active, and had her baby at 11:56am. It was a beautiful birth, perfect with a perfect little girl at the end named Teesha Jezaree.

What a great day! :D

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