Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tacada Wedding Anniversary

I was invited to Rachel and Ate Germy's 2nd wedding anniversaries last Saturday. When we were talking about times, they "forgot" to mention the celebration wouldn't happen until that evening. I arrived at 11am thinking I was late, only to find out the party wouldn't start until many hours later! When I asked why they didn't tell me the time, they said because they wanted to hang out with me as long as I could!

So we had lunch together, I brought hair and makeup stuff and we did that for a while. Then, I was asked repeatedly to please take a nap. Hmm, I haven't done that in more years than I can count (unless I am really sick) so at first I politely refused, but finally succumbed after I was asked many times, and realized they probably wanted to nap as well, and only could if I slept. So I laid in a bed for about 1 1/2 hours and slept for the 1/2 hour part. Funny.

Then, I did the rest of the girls' hair and makeup making sure Rachel and Ate Germy looked nice as they were the guests of honor. I had night shift that night, and had to leave at 8:00pm to get home and get ready. 8pm turned into 8:30, and they wanted me to stay until 9:30 (which I declined as nicely as possible - good thing cause I got home as it was with only 1/2 an hour to spare before shift!)

I also made a batch of oatmeal fudge bars with a few of my precious peanut butter m&m's in it for my contribution. Everyone was delighted, they had never tasted anything so sweet before. Ate Shulamite's oldest son came to me, and said "that was so good and so sweet it made my teeth hurt!" It was all gone in 1/2 an hour, and all I took home was the empty pan :)

P.S. The reason why wedding anniversaries are such a big deal with this family is because they are Jehovah's Witness and are not allowed to celebrate birthdays or any other holidays. Please continue to pray for this family.

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