Sunday, December 23, 2007

50 Baby Celebration

So much to blog about, so little time... Anyways, sorry for the lack of posts lately, but here I am trying to make up for it. We have been so busy, we didn't get to celebrate catching 50 babies on time. By the time we got around to it, Tiffany had already caught 61, and others 58 and the rest of us a few more than 50! Oh well. It was a golden anniversary to remember anyways.

Marlowe and Dorothy are Lois' parents and they came to visit for the month of December. The most wonderful thing about them though is that they decided to be parents to all of us girls and so we all went to Paradise Island and had an amazing time getting to know Marlowe and Dorothy and bonding as a team.

We played games, we talked, we swam and ate and ate and ate! The whole weekend was on M&D and so us girls will always remember this as a very wonderful Christmas and our 50th celebration will always be a highlight of our time together.

We had a late night conversation the night we arrived after a rousing game of Dutch Blitz and really shared the hard things about life, the confusing things, the dreams and the hopes for the future. I am so blessed to be with the girls in my group.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like fun - miss you dear friend... did i tell you how proud I am of you ???? Love ya!

~TK ~ said...

I am blessed to have YOU here with me, my dearest oldest-child friend! I love you lots!

JennJo said...

Golly I miss you girls!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.