Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Infamous ICard

I finally found my name on the list of people who could come and claim their ICard. It isn't really a big deal, doesn't do much for me except allow me to leave and return to the RP without all the hassle, but it's still nice to have. Like the fruit of all the labor. It is a funny card - and has a funny picture of me as well, but fun to have nonetheless. At least I got it with a few months to spare. I saw some of my friends on the list who have long left already! I don't think they will be coming back to claim it! No more visits to the dreaded immigration office! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes my title pic is annoying - it is always different sizes- i think it is alienized. No I don't have msn or skype BUT i would be happy for a few pointers.
Congrats on the card by the way! It is a HUGE deal... anything that lets you stay away from all those offices, photocipying, running across the world to get one thing notarized and back again is a HUGE thing!