Monday, November 26, 2007

49th Handle, Cathy Abdurajak

This is the Abdurajak family. They are Muslims, and a very beautiful family that I know have the privilage of knowing. Cathryn (Cathy) is the mom's name, and she came in pretty active on my swing shift the other day. She and her husband brought their other two kids because they couldn't find anyone to watch them, so a friend stayed outside with them during the birth of their youngest daughter.

They have 2 girls and one boy, the little boy was born at MMC not very long ago, by one of my good friends who is now back in the US.

The thing that first struck me about Cathy was her height. I am so used to being a giant in this country it took me by surprise when I stopped to talk to her when she came in and realized I was eye level with her, and not a whole head taller!

The birth part was not complicated, but she did loose alot of blood afterwards, and because I am now in the 2nd year of my program here, my supervisors are now asking for my management before telling me what to do, and although it is a little scary, it is amazing at the same time. I inserted my second sucessful IV of the night, and even did a manual exploration.

Please pray for the Abdurajak family that I will be able to be a part of their family, and that I can show them who Jesus really is.

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