Thursday, January 10, 2008

January Statistics:

I had a little bit of time on a shift right around the turn of the New Year, so I decided to tally up my births and see how they compared to each other. I felt before I did the tallies that I had so many more births for moms who had given birth before (Mulitparas) but it turned out that all my numbers were pretty close to each other. I then compared a few other points. It was quite fun to do, so I thought I would share my findings with you.

Multiparas = 32 total
Primiparas = 24 total

Babies less than 7 lbs. = 29 total
Babies more than 7 lbs. = 26 total

Moms equal to or less than 21 years of age = 27 total
Moms older than 21 = 24 total
Moms 35 years and older =4 total

1 comment:

JennJo said...

Interesting! Thanks for sharing some stats!