Monday, June 28, 2010

A New Start

Some of you know that I was working at a free standing birth center in MN recently. Some of you may not know that I am no longer. It's a very long story, but the jist of it is that it wasn't the right fit for me at this time in my life. It was a time of Cullen and I doing some deep soul searching, talking to trusted loved ones, and praying hardcore about our future.

In the end, we decided that I would be done working at the birth center, and would start my own midwifery business. The peace that came flooding in over the next couple of days after Cullen and I made that decision astounded us. Really, we shouldn't have been at peace with me leaving a steady paycheck and starting a business that in time will be profitable, but in the beginning will mean me needing to take on jobs that pay less than we are used to me earning and aren't steady due to the nature of midwifery and me needing to have flexible employment. But God is abundantly faithful and provides for his children in ways beyond our wildest imaginations, and is proving that to us in the daily walk of life now.

The name of my new practice is New Birth Midwifery. I am really excited about this because it has a double meaning, showing the new birth that we have in Christ when we are born again (2nd Cor. 5:17), but it also has significance for those who do not yet know and believe who I hope to reach out to as well in this business. The fact is that most women still go to the hospital to have their babies. Actually, about 95% do. The hospitals in general are starting to realize that pregnant women are not sick and should not be treated as if they are, however, it is hard to change policies that have been in place for long periods of time. Some hospitals now have "birth centers" in which nurse-midwives do most of their care, this is a huge step in the right direction, however, there are still other options out that that will allow a woman to be more involved in her care, that will gently encourage her to be pro-active in becoming knowledgeable in her pregnancy and birth along with her husband and family.

Of course I could talk about this subject for hours, and write pages on it, and maybe as I continue to write, it will eventually amount to that, but for now, I will sign off on a happy note, knowing that all is well and hoping that if you're reading this and live in MN (within 1 1/2 hours of the Savage area) and are pregnant and want to talk about your options you will call or email me. If you know of someone who you think might be interested in midwifery care, please send them the link to this blog. I will be putting up a website soon, but for now, this will do.

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